Holy crap, two months and no posts! Needless to say, summer has been very busy but not to worry, the vegan food has still been divine.
I started making my own pickles after reading an article in Veg News that made it sound too simple and delicious to be good. Turns out it was! My family has been consuming them at an alarming rate :) The recipe makes two big jars and I usually double it. I'll share the recipe after we return from Burning Man, but essentially you just slice picking cucumbers and put them in jars, add garlic, dill and some spices, then boil a mixture of water, vinegar, salt and sugar and then pour into the jars. Let them sit in the fridge for two days and then EAT! I just made a batch of Indian pickled cauliflower, too. Pull my finger.
I've been making raw cashew cheese too...SO GOOD. Simply throw raw cashews, lemon juice, garlic, water and salt into a food processor. It's great on everything, especially homemade pickles :)
Brad and I bought a Seal-A-Meal so we can take some pre-made meals to the playa. I feel like such a tool now...I can almost hear Ron Popeil shouting at me while I'm sealing my food. I'll let you know how our food fares. We made veggie burgers, Brad's noodle meal, baked tofu and some freaking delicious Field Roast Smoked Apple Sage sausages! Hopefully we wait until we get to the playa to eat them. Oh, we'll also be making vegan ice cream in my Play and Freeze ice cream maker!
See you post burn, suckas!! xoxox