Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I've been doing important things...

...as far as you know!

The end of summer was crazy and it's only getting worse with no signs of slowing down until 2012! Hopefully you have been better about incorporating veggie-based meals into your life than I have about sharing recipes for them.

I haven't tried out any new recipes lately, but it just so happens that October is VEGAN MOFO!  That's vegan month of food, and it rocks!  A whole huge list of vegan bloggers dedicate themselves to posting new recipes every single day for the month of October. The mofo site features a weekly roundup of some of the great recipes that have been posted, and on the right side of the site is a link to the entire list of participating bloggers.  Check out the Facebook page and like it :) I will like you if you do!  There are some amazing looking entries already, and if they don't inspire you to try out some vegan cooking, nothing will.

Speaking of things you need to buy for me, (we weren't but we should have been) check out the site Brandee found... Arm the Animals. I'm a small. Text me for my mailing address and thank you in advance!